
مرحبا عليكم!

I study languages.

Friday, February 6, 2009


So my most recent chem test was full of fail; there were only twenty insanely complex and tricky multiple choice questions, each worth 4 pts (wtf??), so I missed three and got an 84(ish). I felt really good about my free response section, though, so that should bring me up to a high B+ (which is still seriously uncool; it may ruin my chances of pulling an A in this class because tests are weighted so highly). Whatever; I honestly wouldn't mind getting an A-, especially when I'm taking a packed schedule plus two senior classes. I think other people might mind, though, which makes me sad. It sucks when other people live vicariously through your 4.0. Luckily, my parents are entirely opposite; they always tell me to take less classes, get a few Bs, and enjoy myself a little more. But whenever I feel like I haven't performed perfectly on something, I question my entire life plan, so of course I freaked out a little bit about not being able to get into a good med school and all...yeah.

Then I realized my resume can probably withstand a few bad grades; I'll have a semester in Jerusalem, at least one summer research internship, lab research for a solid three years (and hopefully my name on a paper?), TA-ing, constant volunteer work, a steady job in the medical field (thank you, physical therapy), phlebotomy and medical assisting certification, and hopefully a few clinical internships, on top of a liberal arts minor and maybe some essay contests or something. That's the plan, anyhow.

EDIT: Haha, awesome; the average on the chem test I killed was 62%. I sense a curve!
UPDATE: The key was wrong. I got a 93. XD

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