
مرحبا عليكم!

I study languages.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The fourth finger on my left hand keeps clunking across the keyboard and hitting multiple letters, so I'm trying to keep it from touching the keys as I type...it's an interesting tactical game.

My finger has sustained the first and only AP Test-Related Injury (lexicophalangeodynia? ♥ med terms) of which I have heard. Maybe I'll become an urban legend. The incident occurred just after the ritual sealing of the multiple choice test, when I took the initiative to open the box of muffin tops my Stats teacher had bought for us. I sliced the top of my finger on the box (wow, can I be any more of a nerd?) and started bleeding quite profusely. (Man, why couldn't I have bled like that when we were doing microhematocrits in Med Tech??) Ha. I showed the test proctor, and she looked scared and confused. I mean, I doubt Dealing With Mid-Test Injuries is a section of the proctor manual. Luckily, a happily overprepared friend of mine had a box of Care Bear band-aids, of which I was very happy to partake. Otherwise, I'd have bled through the free response questions...which might actually have been cool (though my test may have been discarded due to risk for possible bloodborne illnesses). I could have written "THIS IS SPARTA!" in blood before I crossed it out.

I did write THIS IS SPARTA! four times, in hilarious and fitting contexts (can you make that word plural?), which induced a state of uncharacteristic ecstasy. Anything crossed out is considered "not part of the response," so I feel pretty safe about giving my AP readers a laugh (that is, if they've seen "300." Otherwise, they may just think I've undergone psychological combustion).
"A P-value of <0.01 indicates that THIS IS SPARTA! our result is significant..."
"...leading the researcher to conclude that THIS IS SPARTA! her hypothesis..."
"...prefer this area because THIS IS SPARTA! it is more probable that..."

...but don't penalize me for it.

I also drew a really awesome picture of a moose fleeing a fiery forest.
Before today, I had no idea I couldn't draw moose. Or fire.
Thank you, AP Program. You teach me something new every day.

By the way, what is the plural possessive form of "moose?"
Ex: dog -- dogs -- dogs'
moose -- moose -- ????

*Disclaimer: This post does not reveal any free response secrets. There is absolutely no way to glean any significant information about any questions or their answers from my ramblings (except that one involves moose, but that is not test-significant at the alpha = .05 level).

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