
مرحبا عليكم!

I study languages.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I have a love-hate relationship with getting my hair done. I love retouched highlights and newly razored ends, but at the same time I'm always scared my hair person will majorly screw up. Consequently, I always hate SOMETHING about my new hair and convince myself I should never let anyone touch it again. This time around, it's the fact that my stylist convinced me to put more lowlights in, which looks okay, but she put one RIGHT in the front, so the first piece of my hair is dark. Yeah, it's just a little streak, and no one has commented about it yet, but it REALLY bugs me. I feel entirely self-conscious about it.

In other news, life goes on, and I have nothing of particular interest to write about. Actually, I should be in the anatomy lab right now, studying for my quiz, but it's snowing like I live in Antarctica, and there's absolutely no way I'm walking all the way to the lab building.

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