
مرحبا عليكم!

I study languages.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I'm currently saturated with chemistry--I've hit my mental threshold and am fully ready for my acid/base/solubility/equilibrium test.

Things I Did Today:
* Met my chem teacher for next semester and was surprised at his relative youth. His will be an interesting and straightforward class; I was very lucky to get into it, as there is now a waiting list 40 people long for my section alone.
*Maybe-almost changed my major: microbiology's sounding more and more enticing, so I might take a Medical Parasitology class next semester to try it out. It's a 400-level class, but the prerequisites are only the bio and chem classes I'm taking/will take concurrently, so we'll see.
* Recommended a novel to my English teacher. It's one of the most well-written works of contemporary fiction I've read, initially recommended to me by my Creative Writing professor when I was studying at Cambridge. I fully encourage you to check out We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver, but be warned: it isn't exactly G-rated.
*Played with a mobile spectrophotometer that looks different than the NanoSpec I use to quantify my DNA solutions, and asked my brilliant chem teacher about the physical chemistry of said DNA quantification (after class), which he was (entertainingly) excited to diagram all over the board for me.
*Set up the quickest restriction digest reaction I've ever run.
*Walked all the way to Helaman Halls at midnight, where I'd parked two days earlier, only to realize that I had no idea where my car was, so I spent a good twenty minutes wandering around in the cold until I encountered it.
*Found my two-days-lost cell phone!
*Was told that the boys in my Freshman Academy group are calling my Bath & Body Works Sensual Amber lotion "an orgasm in a bottle." I guess that's a compliment.

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