
مرحبا عليكم!

I study languages.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

High rolling.

 I'm two for two on setting high scores on this semester's midterms, missing perfection by only two points in Biblical Hebrew (average: minus 25-30) and by just six percent in Middle Eastern History Since 1800 (average: minus thirtysomething percent). That Middle Eastern History class might just be my second favorite right now (after Arabic, طبعا), because the professor speaks exactly the same way I think--a singular phenomenon, to say the least, and part of the reason I took his class (I don't need it for my major). It's inexorably fascinating to hear someone else's spoken words mirror so perfectly the cadence of the voice inside my head, so I can't help but spend my time in class glued to every word. Does that make sense? Think of the tone, timbre, and substance of the voice you hear inside yourself; identify the manner in which you articulate internal thought, and then imagine the deep structure--not the content, but the framework; the cadence, not the melody--of your own voice coming back at you from someone else. You'd be so surprised that you'd take his class, too, even if you didn't need it for your major.

Also, one of my favorite times on campus is beginning to roll around: BYUSA election week! It's so hilarious to watch the desperate resume-stackers pretend to be your friend so you'll post their tacky advertisement as your profile picture (and to watch the usually indifferent campus hordes actively changing their walking routes so as not to be intercepted by perky, flyer-tossing disciples). But you know what this carefully controlled system needs? A crazy third party candidate. I have half a mind to put up posters advocating some lunatic cause just as useless as the ones on their platforms--or some worthwhile one, like budget transparency (BYUSA's notoriously extravagant expenditures are closely guarded).

Testimonial from the BYUSA website: "[BYUSA] hosts events, reminds me of my commitment to life, and helps me want to be a better person."
OMG! I just remembered my commitment to life! Thanks, BYUSA! Why don't you congratulate yourselves by holding another catered cabin retreat?


Kelsey Cole said...

Amen! I'd help you put up those posters if you decided to... just saying:)

Hermana Ferrin said...

Has someone been watching Sydney White recently?

Jessica Elysse said...

^ No, but I fell asleep during that movie once. Similarities?