
مرحبا عليكم!

I study languages.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Reading this Glamour.com list made me think twice about what it is to be a single girl. While I don't doubt the value of learning to stick up for yourself, trying a new physical activity, or witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime event, "36 Things Every Single Girl Must Do Before She Settles Down" also recommends such life-changing items as getting drunk during the day, dating a rich older man who'll "take you somewhere nice and make you feel like a million bucks," dating "creeps" (to value the nice guys?), investing in sexy stilettos, and making lists of all your faults.

A subsequent night of study and learning has yielded my own version of this list, largely lifted from advice given by various LDS General Authorities. Love or hate, appreciate.

Jessica's "36 Things Every Single (Mormon) Girl Must Do Before She Settles Down (Or Anytime)"

1.    Acquire a sense of personal mission.
2.    Strive for excellence.
3.    Make integrity your first priority.
4.    Be attractive in conversation by being well-read in a variety of subjects—become interesting because you are interested.
5.    If you can’t be beautiful, be well groomed, tastefully attired, and conscious of your posture, and keep a smile on your face.
6.    If you’re not a great athlete, be a good sport.
7.    Try to be a standout in something.
8.    Think for yourself, but respect the rules.
9.    Be generous with kind words and affectionate gestures.
10.    Give anonymously to those in need of a little happiness.
11.    Avoid hateful words and unsophisticated language.
12.    Be positive and not apathetic.
13.    Cultivate real faith.
14.    Lose yourself in the service of others. Look to God and live.
15.    Overcome low self-esteem and actively give your life value.
16.    Choose to see potential in others and help them to develop it.
17.    Turn your focus outward; count your blessings and strive for balance.
18.    Become a scripture scholar and read at least a few verses every night.
19.    Establish a personal space that reflects your own tastes.
20.    Take care of your body. Sleep well, learn to cook nutritious foods, and exercise.
21.    Never make fun at the expense of another. Look for virtue in the lives of all.
22.    Be a quality person with self-respect, integrity, and the capacity to love and be lovable.
23.    Be clean in body and mind.
24.    Be kind.
25.    Be tactful.
26.    Be humble.
27.    Be selfless.
28.    Identify and develop your weak points.
29.    Be realistic and judicious, but willing to trust.
30.    Keep an eternal perspective.
31.    Set realistic, specific goals.
32.    Keep the commandments.
33.    Contribute to your family history.
34.    Engage in personal fasting and prayer.
35.    Realize someone out there needs you. If that’s not true, make it true!
36.    Qualify for and keep a temple recommend.

Take time to make your life special. Don't worry.
In the future, “wonderful surprises await us all.” John K. Carmack (1989)

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