
مرحبا عليكم!

I study languages.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I am officially OVERWHELMED.

Today I learned that I have to originally derive a modified Mankin scoring system to describe the degradation of articular cartilage in a heterozygotic spondyloepiphyseal dysplastic mouse model. I then have to compile Shaela's and my work into a prospectus detailing what I plan to do for my honors thesis and how it will fit into the body of existing research...all by the end of finals week.
Then, over the next half of my college life, I have to DO the research. My professor describes my work as incredibly publishable, and I've been promised lead authorship (!!!) on any paper I produce. Honestly, it's impossible for me to ignore the allure of such a prospect. Am I really such a glutton for recognition that I'll sacrifice my life to peer-reviewed science journals?


AND, before Monday, I have to take the most complex molecular biology exam of the semester and write a 2500-word midterm for Philosophy of Medical Thought, tiptoeing around my words so my semantics-obsessed professor won't find problems with my vocab (seriously, he takes off points for reasons like "You should have used 'word x, interchangeable synonym of word y' here"). However, ever since I had an intense emotional breakdown in his office, he's been extra careful with my scores--I even received a perfect grade on the huge term paper I turned in last week. I think he's decided that he would rather keep my emotional health WNL than risk another episode of that nature. Let's just say I have a consistently embarrassing history with PMS and confrontations.

I saw BYU's production of Children of Eden last night and loved it, though the costume concept was a little off-the-wall. I cried multiple times. It's hard for a story like that NOT to hit home.

If I can survive until Monday, I'm home free until Thanksgiving break ends. I'm deluding myself into thinking I have much more time off than I actually do, if only in order to propel myself through this preliminary home stretch.
Next semester should be better--I hope.

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