
مرحبا عليكم!

I study languages.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My Israeli professor (a self-proclaimed 'practicing liberal Orthodox' Jew), on teaching Judaism to Mormon college students: "I think you're wacky, but no more so than I am. In religion, there's a line past which nothing is rational."

On another note, it made me smile to notice that university life seems to be identical all over the world. I made a side trip to Hebrew University (arguably the most prestigious university in Israel) this afternoon to access Facebook for the first time in over a month, and I was happy to see people in weird outfits handing out flyers, loud groups singing and marching around campus, a packed library, an unhealthy level of food consumption, and friendly student camaraderie. I guess college students will be college students, regardless of nationality, religion, or location.

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