in any given order, except for number one, whose place at the top of the list assures its importance:
1. Rewatch Season 5 of Lost
2. Finish my book and at least three more
3. Write missionary letters (My poor friends! I write once and they never hear from me again)
4. Finish my plethora of summer research applications (I'm applying to 12-15 universities)
5. Solicit two stellar letters of recommendation
6. Get over this crazy cold (I haven't been sick in years; why start now?)
7. Host a fabulous black tie New Year's event
8. Pick up (and pore over) my new set of textbooks
9. Pick up both Glee soundtracks (or receive them for Christmas*)
10. Reclaim my pre-college dominance on the piano
1. Rewatch Season 5 of Lost
2. Finish my book and at least three more
3. Write missionary letters (My poor friends! I write once and they never hear from me again)
4. Finish my plethora of summer research applications (I'm applying to 12-15 universities)
5. Solicit two stellar letters of recommendation
6. Get over this crazy cold (I haven't been sick in years; why start now?)
7. Host a fabulous black tie New Year's event
8. Pick up (and pore over) my new set of textbooks
9. Pick up both Glee soundtracks (or receive them for Christmas*)
10. Reclaim my pre-college dominance on the piano
11. Enjoy sun, shopping, and a basketball tournament in Las Vegas
12. Catch air on a snowmobile over the Continental Divide
* This star denotes a Hint.
13. Practice Arabic so I don't lose what marginal proficiency I've earned
14. Enjoy the holidays with my family :-)
Already started: 1, 2, 6, 14
Already finished: 5, 11
I love Christmas!
* This star denotes a Hint.
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